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Saturday 7 September 2024

Comment on Atlas V Completes its Final Space Force Mission by Alex Longo

In reply to Donald.

Hi Donald,

Thank you for your thoughtful note. I am glad that you appreciate our stories so much. I will be sure to pass your comment along to the rest of the team.

We are still here, but in a reduced capacity for the moment. Our senior writer, Ben Evans, recently left to pursue other opportunities. Ben accounted for ~90% of our articles and played a huge role in making the site a source of regular news. I still plan to write occasional stories, as will our owner and our senior photographer, but they will be more sporadic and focussed on in-depth coverage which you can’t find anywhere else. I should also note that we are all unpaid volunteers, so writing is a distant third priority behind work and family (it takes 6+ hours to do a feature story). In my case, I am currently working on four grant proposals and my Master’s thesis, hence the recent gap in publications.

Best regards,

from Comments for AmericaSpace
via World Space Info


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