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Sunday 7 April 2024

Comment on SpaceX Primed to Complete Friday Double-Header of Falcon 9 Missions by SpaceX Aims to Complete Weekend Triple-Header With Tonight’s Bandwagon-1 Launch - AmericaSpace

[…] As previously detailed by AmericaSpace, the pre-weekend action began at 5:12 a.m. EDT Friday when the 14-times-used B1069 booster took flight from storied Space Launch Complex (SLC)-40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. The dazzling pre-dawn light and fire show occurred right on the opening of a 58-minute “window”, thanks in no small part to near-perfect Space Coast weather, which had earlier pledged 90-percent favorability with only the smallest risk of violating thick cloud and liftoff winds rules. […]

from Comments for AmericaSpace
via World Space Info


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