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Thursday 22 February 2024

Comment on Living on the Moon: Inside Artemis’ Foundation Habitat by IM-1 Lands Safely, Achieves First U.S. Soft Lunar Touchdown Since Apollo 17 - AmericaSpace

[…] America has successfully made soft landfall on the Moon for the first time in over five decades, following Thursday evening’s 6:23 p.m. EST touchdown of Intuitive Machines’ six-legged IM-1 lander in the rugged hinterlands bordering the Lunar South Pole. Laden with ten payloads for NASA, the International Lunar Observatory (ILO), the University of Colorado at Boulder, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Louisiana State University and others, IM-1’s Nova-C lander—named “Odysseus” in honor of the much-traveled hero of the Trojan War—will spend up to two weeks probing a little-known region of the Moon that is tipped as an ideal location for exploration and settlement…. […]

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