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Sunday 28 January 2024

Comment on “Major Malfunction”: Remembering Challenger, OTD in 1986 by O'Neillian

I used to comment here several years ago but the spacex fanboys so contaminated this site that the hosts typically just removed the toxic comments after a week or so. Hopefully that has changed.

My view on the Shuttle is the fundamental concept was excellent: A Saturn V class launch vehicle that only sacrificed a big tank on the altar of the rocket equation. The concept was executed in the worst way possible due to cost constraints and organizational, political, and military requirements. The primary cause of the failure of the Shuttle was first the cost constraints, going cheap. There is no cheap. If the more expensive and originally specified pressure-fed boosters, and an engine return module at the bottom of the stack instead of using the side-mounted Orbiter to return the SSME’s had been the design, then no crews would have been lost. It would probably still be flying.

from Comments for AmericaSpace
via World Space Info


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