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Wednesday 22 November 2023

Comment on Falcon Heavy Successfully Launches NASA’s Psyche, Looks to Record-Setting Year-End by VERITAS Science Case Develops as Budget Forecast Improves - AmericaSpace

[…] Psyche launched atop a Falcon Heavy rocket last month, but that does not mean that VERITAS is cleared to follow in its footsteps.  NASA stipulated that the construction of the spacecraft cannot commence until two additional JPL missions, the Europa Clipper and the NISAR Earth science mission, also reach the launch pad. The agency’s planetary science program is struggling to afford all of its missions due to cost overruns for Clipper and the ambitious Mars Sample Return campaign.  To minimize these financial issues, the launch of VERITAS is currently delayed indefinitely.   Absent a change in plans, the earliest it could fly is in 2031. […]

from Comments for AmericaSpace
via World Space Info


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