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Thursday 9 March 2023

Comment on SpaceX Launches From Vandenberg, Pushes Starlink Count North of 4,000 by Relativity Space Scrubs First Terran-1 Launch, Awaits New NET Date - AmericaSpace

[…] Terran-1 is a two-stage affair, with nine 3D-printed Aeon-1 engines producing a combined 207,000 pounds (95,000 kilograms) of thrust at liftoff to propel the 15-story vehicle off the pad. A single vacuum-optimized Aeon-1 engine on the second stage adds 28,000 pounds (12,700 kilograms) of thrust, burning for five minutes to haul payloads in what Relativity describes as a “sweet-spot” capability range between Rocket Lab’s Electron and SpaceX’s Falcon 9. […]

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