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Tuesday 27 December 2022

Comment on 10x-Flown Falcon 9 Launches October’s Fifth Mission, as Starlink Count Passes 3,500 by SpaceX Heads for 60th Launch of 2022; East and West Coast Missions Planned Before New Year’s Eve - Space News

[…] Most recently flown on 20 October, B1062 has now lifted to orbit eight people, two Block III GPS payloads, over 260 Starlinks and Egypt’s powerful Nilesat-301 geostationary communications satellite. Her ten missions ended with ten on-point touchdowns on the deck of the Autonomous Spaceport Drone Ship (ASDS), 5 aboard the latest addition to the SpaceX fleet, “A Shortfall of Gravitas” (ASOG). […]

from Comments for AmericaSpace
via World Space Info


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